‘Creme Brulee’ for Two

This scrumptious baked custard is a healthy version of creme brulee. It has only four ingredients, is very easy to make, and is a simply delicious dessert!

Creme brulee

A romantic and delicious dessert

The ingredients are healthy for a sweet dessert, making this is ideal for anyone on a low-carb, gluten free, sugar free or wheat free diet.

creme brulee

Cups of ‘creme brulee’ custard

Perfect for Valentine’s Day or any day that you want to make a bit more special, you can quickly put these together for a perfectly sweet ending to a romantic meal.

creme brulee

Simple & sweet


1 egg

1 cup milk

3 T xylitol

1 t vanilla extract

Cinnamon and xylitol mix to sprinkle on top (optional)

creme brulee

Simple and healthy ingredients


Preheat oven to 180 C.

Lightly beat the egg in a bowl. Add and combine the milk, xylitol and vanilla.

Place two ramekins or small cups into a medium-sized casserole dish or baking tray. Pour the mixture evenly into the two small dishes and then carefully pour an inch of hot water into the casserole dish/baking tray. Be careful not to splash any water into the desserts!

creme brulee

Ready to bake

Bake for 35 minutes or until a knife comes out clean.

Allow to cool, then sprinkle cinnamon and xylitol on top and serve.

creme brulee

Dessert for two ❤

creme brulee

Hearts of happiness!

Creme brulee

Love is…

Original recipe from SparkRecipes.